Lining up perfectly.

A stunner of a user experience process where I supported a talented team lead by Studio C to orchestrate, design and build a new website ground up.

In essence, represents Denmark's commitment to leveraging design as a tool for innovation, sustainability, and societal progress, setting a global benchmark for design-driven initiatives. Their website being both a knowledge-hub, a collaboration platform, a toolbox and means to encourages businesses and organisations to adopt user-centered and innovative design practices to create value.

Thought workshops, wireframes and countless slides I:

  • Conducted end-user interviews to understand needs and behaviour

  • Crafted a purposeful digital strategy enabling clear communication about position and goals.

  • Defined clear principles for how the site lives up ti its purpose and how editors can use guideliens as support to stay on message

  • Produced a full low-fi wireframed solution including content structure, navigation principles and responsive design rules.



Studio C
Project management, communications strategy, brand development and visual identity.

Louise Altmann
User Experience design & digital strategy.

DDC is a non-profit foundation that works to build capacity for innovation and sustainable growth by design.

Jacob Lindblad
Digital Design Creative Direction.

Jacob Frederiksen


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